Zino Wey & Franziska Winkler – Screening invisibilites II – eine Poesieperformance

For the project “screening invisibiliIes II – a poetry performance” the director Zino Wey and the cultural mediator Franziska Winkler invite two deaf* sign artists* and two hearing poets* to enter into a joint dialogue. Spoken language poems and sign poetry will be developed and translated together. It is about expanding our ideas of literature, poetry and language. And it is about visibility and invisibility. For here not only the question of representation arises, but also of what can actually be grasped by sight.


In the context of Buch Basel, a joint performance will take place, which will focus not only on the artists’ own texts, but above all on their joint translations between spoken and sign language. The poems will be performed and recited in spoken and sign language. The audience is invited to encounter the ambiguity of this pair of terms as well as the peculiarity of languages in a new way. For in translation, a text comes into motion, from one language to another, from one cultural context to another. A text must become particularly mobile when it leaves the written sign system.

*The adjective ‘deaf’ is used in capitalization. It is a self-designation of “people who feel connected to sign languages, Deaf communities and cultures.”

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Internationales Literaturfestival BuchBasel, Kaserne Basel

Saturday, 18. November 2023, 14:00 Premiere

Zino Wey & Franziska Winkler

Lucien Haug, Anna Hetzer, Lua Leiner, Eyk Kauly

Annina Birrer, produktionsDOCK

Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung, Stiftung Denk an mich


Internationales Literaturfestival BuchBasel, Kaserne Basel

Saturday, 18. November 2023, 14:00 Premiere


Zino Wey & Franziska Winkler

Lucien Haug, Anna Hetzer, Lua Leiner, Eyk Kauly

Annina Birrer, produktionsDOCK

Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung, Stiftung Denk an mich


Annina Birrer
