PANCH – PARTOUT– Platform for International Performance Art
Performances, exchange, collaboration, networking, experiment, presentation
Over 30 performing artists from places all over the world meet from 2nd till 10th of October 2020 in Lausanne and Basel at PARTOUT for performances, experimental exchange and discussions
Over the course of nine days, current performance art will be presented in all its diversity and beyond the borders. There will be performance presentations at the Arsenic Lausanne and the Kaserne Basel – enriched by workshops at the Kaskadenkondensator, the HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste Basel) and the Kaserne. In between, exchange and talks about performative practice. PANCH wants to strengthen the network of performance art, make international contacts in Switzerland known and present the versatility of performance to a broad audience.
Artists taking part:
Noor Abuarahfeh (Kairo, EGY), Àmundason & Árnadóttir (Reykjavik, ISL), Katy Baird (Hastings, GBR), Denys Blacker (Madremanya, ESP), Michelle Browne (Dublin, IRL), Zhao Chuan (Shanghai, CHN), María José Cifuentes Miranda (Santiago de Chile, CHL), Coupé Décalé (Brüssel, BEL), Yan Duyvendak (Genf, CHE), Gisela Hochuli (Bern, CHE), Olivia Jaques (Wien, AUT), Chen Keng (Shanghai, Hangzhou, CHN), Kopano Maroga (ZAF), Jay Pather (Kapstadt, ZAF), Nia Pushkarova (Sofia, BGR), Pavana Reid (Belfast, GBR; Bergen, NOR), Darren Roshier (Vevey, CHE), Steven Schoch (Basel, CHE), Vicky Shajahan (Colombo, LKA), João Simôes (São Paulo, BRA), Pooja Sood (Neu Delhi, IND), Nathalie Stirnimann & Stefan Stojanovic (Zürich, CHE), Ali Toffan & Wathiq Al-Ameri (Zürich, CHE), Voin de Voin (Sofia, BGR), Gertrude Wagner Moser (Wien, AUT), Anne Käthi Wehrli (Zürich, CHE), Martina-Sofie Wildberger (Genf, Zürich, CHE)
2.10. – 11.10. at Arsenic Lausanne, Kaserne Basel, Kaskadenkondensator, HeK (Haus der elektronischen Künste)
PARTOUT is initiativ by PANCH – Performance Art Network CH and is the final project by PANCH EUROVISION. PANCH is a Basel based network of young artists that is committed to supporting and strengthening performance art in Switzerland on a public, artistic and ideal level.
The project PANCH EUROVISION has, with the support of Pro Helvetia (2018-2020), planned and completed seven journeys through Europe in order to exchange ideas with performance artists about their networks.
PARTOUT brings a few Performance artists from the EUROVISION project together with selected Swiss artists in Lausanne and in Basel. PARTOUT is enriched by the project LIVE ART WORKSHOPS.
PARTOUT is supported by: Swisslos-Fonds Basel Stadt, Pro Helvetia, Fondation Nestlé pour l’Art, Stiftung Wolf, Ernst und Olga Gubler-Hablützel Stiftung, Jacqueline Spengler Stiftung, Erna& Curt Burgauer Stiftung
LIVE ART WORKSHOP is a project of the Pro Helvetia offices, in coproduction with Kaserne Basel and Arsenic Lausanne.
Arsenic Lausanne, Kaserne Basel
Sunday, 11. October 2020,
Saturday, 10. October 2020,
Friday, 9. October 2020,
Thursday, 8. October 2020,
Wednesday, 7. October 2020,
Tuesday, 6. October 2020,
Monday, 5. October 2020,
Sunday, 4. October 2020,
Saturday, 3. October 2020,
Friday, 2. October 2020,
Artistic direction PARTOUT
Judith Huber und Andrea Saemann
Production PARTOUT
Alexandra Adler
Graphic design PARTOUT
Nicole Boillat
technical direction PARTOUT
Nils Koechlin